
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

New Beginnings!!!!

Ok, I started a new exercise regime on Monday. I am now going to exercise under the direction of an exercise physiologist at the hospital. He tells me what to do and how to do it and how long to do it. So far it hasn't been so bad, but those abdomen crunches with 90 pounds of resistance are a bit challenging. I have also been walking around the track at the park. Well, actually I have only done that once and almost made 2 miles yesterday, but the rain stopped me. So, let's see how long this last. I bet it will last longer than most things I try because I am having to pay for this and you all know how I am when it comes to departing with my precious dollars. If nothing else gets me in there the fact that I have had to pay will motivate me. Actually the idea of losing 25 pounds by April when I go back for another academy reunion is also a big motivating factor. But then as they say...Pride Goeth Before a Fall! We'll see...........

Friday, November 18, 2005

Happy Birthday to ME

Well, it is official...I am a year older as of this past Wednesday! My presents started the day before when I received a wonderful winter shirt in my favorite shade of blue plaids from daughter #1. It was actually supposed to be my Christmas present but arrived before the birthday present so I was told to reverse them. I plan to wear it this weekend because we are having a cold snap (it is going down to 65 degrees.......oooohhhhh!!!!!!!! Also on the day before I was surprised my my mother-in-law with 2 undergarments that we won't mention here but I was glad to add to my lingerie drawer!!! Also, some Ghiradelli dark chocolate from my sister-in-law. My actual birthday started with a sweet homemade card and a chocolate lollipop from Grayson which he had saved from his Halloween stash. Next came a very welcomed, much needed chiropractic appointment. (OK, not really a present but still enjoyed). Next came a nice present from neighbor Jean and then off to a birthday lunch with her. Company was was lousy! Next came a birthday phone call from brother Adam and sister Elva.
And that was the end. Everything was great except my present from husband-dearest.....he made me fix dinner! argggggggggg There is something wrong with that or is it just me?
Oh, well at tleat the dinner was good! Later, gators!

A Fool and His Money

I always say a fool and his money are soon parted and today I am glad that is true because I made over $600.00 at my annual garage sale with more to come on Sunday! It is impossible to decribe some of the utterly weird stuff some people will spend their money on. But as I say...bring it on!!
One year I had a man who lived in Auntie's rental house buy a womans wig! The weird part of that is that he lived alone and was rather reclusive. One early morning his car was hit by a bus and he was killed. I will always wonder if he had that womans wig on at the time. Leaving that with you to ponder, I will say goodbye for now! Have a great and peaceful weekend!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hurricane! Where?

Well, as you might have seen on the weather news, FL had another brush with the "wrath of God" in the form of Hurricane Wilma. South FL got a pretty bad deal and is predicted to be out of electricity until around Thanksgiving, but Central FL was spared this time. We just had a little rain and light winds. By the afternoon it was clear and sunny and usual.
Halloween has come and gone and we are enjoying Grayson's haul!!! He was the cutest little Ninja out on the block. Of course our house was decorated with the life size skelton with fake snakes crawling through it's orafices and the expertly carved pumpkin, complete with a knife sticking in it's head, compliments of the Ninja!
Now we have Thanksgiving to look forward to. Haven't made any firm decisions as to where we will be for that holiday, but I suspect we will stay home. Only time will tell.
Later, gators!